Addresses: The number and meaning of the 48-bit address fields depend on context.

In some control frames, this field contains an association, or connection, identifier. Duration/Connection ID: If used as a duration field, indicates the time (in microseconds) the channel will be allocated for successful transmission of a MAC frame.Control information includes whether the frame is to or from a DS, fragmentation information, and privacy information. Frame Control: Indicates the type of frame (control, management, or data) and provides control information.The following excerpt from William Stallings "Data and Computer Communications" explains these fields: Image from William Stallings "Data and Computer Communications". (Alternatively, you can use the "outdoor" or "sb4" testbeds at ORBIT, with some modifications to the instructions.)įigure 1 shows the 802.11 MAC frame format:įigure 1: IEEE 802.11 MAC frame format. Finally, you must have reserved time on the WITest testbed, and you must run this experiment during your reserved time. The project lead of the project you belong to must have enabled wireless for the project. You should have already uploaded your SSH keys to the portal. To reproduce this experiment on GENI, you will need an account on the GENI Portal, and you will need to have joined a project. This experiment uses wireless resources, and you can only use wireless resources on GENI during a reservation. It should take about 60-120 minutes to run this experiment, but you will need to have reserved that time in advance. You should do this before your reservation on the wireless testbed.
You will have to download and install Wireshark to run this experiment. In this experiment, we will capture traffic on an 802.11 network and observe the 802.11 MAC frame fields using Wireshark. Menu Understanding the 802.11 Wireless LAN MAC frame format Fraida FundĢ0 March 2017 on education, wireless, layer 2, 802.11